Hand-coded net art work includes a recto and a verso. The verso is the source code. Accessed by Right-click or option-click > select 'source code.' Kisses kisses coming soon.
This work was created for the one-person exhibition at bitforms gallery in May 2016 and updated in 2017. The painting was created in 1996.

Forever is the first chapter of World of Awe: A Traveler's Journal. It includes love letters and diary entries, descriptions of navigation tools and treasure hunting equipment. The interface is based by early Mac graphical user interface design and Windows 3.1. Menu standards are appropriated to serves as entry points to this diaristic and epistolary narrative.
Deeply yearning, an anonymous protagonist searches for a lost treasure in a parallel world. The Traveler's Journal employs a nostalgic, solitary voice to meditate on our obsession with digital technology.
Forever was included in the 2002 Whitney Biennial and was shown on a laptop.

The second chapter of World of Awe: A Traveler's Journal, Destruction & Mending was commissioned and exhibited at the San Francisco Museum of Modern Art. The chapter employs a bomb graphic icon and the photographic pearl to carry the theme of destruction and mending.

Object of Desire is a departure from the first two chapters of World of Awe: A Traveler's Journal. Made up of 15 scenes, animated in 3D and executed in Flash, the narrative is presented in three languages: English, Hebrew, and Arabic (appearance for French, Italian, and Spanish). The work marks the burgeoning interest in the Internet as an endless polyglot space.
Object of Desire explores early literary themes and motifs born in the Middle East and Mediterranean cultures that are still vibrant in contemporary culture. Biblical themes and legends receive a new treatment that take into consideration the digital advancement, in the same nostalgic and romantic voice identified with the traveler.
Funded by the Rockefeller Media grant and the MFA program at RPI, Object of Desire was exhibited among other places at The Jewish Museum in New York and EMST Museum in Athens.

Reclaimed wood, Atari joystick, button, laptop, projector, and LCD screen.
Collection of the EMST museum in Athens, Greece
Interactive installation of Chapter 3, Object of Desire. The ark chair is based on an image of a Noah's ark toy from the 1895 Montgomery Ward & Co. Catalogue and Buyer's Guide. To navigate the website, one uses an original Atari joystick built into the left arm and a red button built into the right.
The work was created for the one-person Media Center exhibition at the Jewish Museum, 2007.

Website with Flash and audio
Portal is a net dance created in collaboration with dance filmmaker Evan Siebens and musician Yoav Gal. Flash programming Meeyoung Kim. The work was commissioned by in 2001 and was featured in a New York Times article in 2004, Art; A Video Game with Awe as Its Quest by Elizabeth Bard.
Jo-Ann Green, wrote: "We enter the dance via screens within screens, small pixels within large pixels, rendered pixels. This is a, the spatial and theatrical dimensions of which are very much about surface. We activate the dance square by square. The dance proceeds at the user's pace as we nudge the traveler along. Rather than being transported by the dance, we navigate the dancer's travels for her but there's only so much control we have in this predestined journey, which is hers alone. The traveler is alien to the Manhattan street. While the music's overall impact is hard and discordant—reflecting the city environment—she exists, perhaps, only in our minds as no one appears to notice her, and traffic does not stop for her. She's submerged in a world of make believe, playfully whipping pistols from her imaginary holsters. Each scene within the larger picture is a dance that culminates in a repetitive gesture, machine-like, robotic. We help the traveler negotiate the fence, and launch her into the in-between with a drag and a click.
"There, the traveler is contained and vulnerable but flatness has given way to virtuality. Despite her confinement, we're comforted by her ability to breathe. The music is vocal as if here, though still alone, she no longer feels entirely alien. Still she's caged and unaware of our presence. Her nakedness suggests rebirth: where will she begin? We manipulate her this way and that: as the camera zooms in on her, she becomes progressively fragmented. As she's breaking apart, she suddenly confronts us. The traveler looks right at us and touches our hand—it is this sensory moment that catapults her into the next world.
"The traveler is released into a vast desert where, again, she is alone. Once again the vocal music underlines her aloneness, its multiple voices the same voice. She trudges through the heavy sand, going nowhere. Her mirrored image is reminiscent of the corps de ballet: undifferentiated, regimented, and conformed. She becomes an army of reflections that cannot provide solace. She repeats her solitary dance. Her movements ripple through dunes and sky."

Created for's Splash Page series in 2001, Extreme Beauty is a short love poem from World of Awe: A Traveler's Journal.
I found the key to extreme beauty,
but not the keyhole.
I tried it in all the holes in my body
none seemed to fit.
Your forever
Your sunset/sunrise forever yours
Yours forever
This short love letter poem appears in many works and media throughout the years.
The piece was collected by Doron Golan for the Computer Fine Arts Collection archived by the Rose Goldsen Archive of New Media Arts at the Cornell University Library.

View here
As visitors navigate World of Awe: A Traveler's Journal, they leave behind tracking data including IP address, pages visited, and time of download requests. The Library of Maps is a collection of over 1500 data maps of visitors' movements through the net art narrative, created by gathering their movements through the journal then randomly superimposing the data over 3d images of the World of Awe landscape, called Sunset/Sunrise.
The mapping server-side software was written by Alex Galloway.

Website with Flash and audio
A second splash page comissioned by, this piece is a single page work that articulates the feeling of yearning.

Website and Flash plugin
Commissioned for Drunken Boat, an online arts journal edited by Ravi Shankar.

Love letter "Do you know the sound of yellow?"
HTML files, jpgs and gifs on floppies
Mac, Netscape 3.0 + RealAudio player
PC native web browser
+ + +
Traveller's log 45/3
"Do you know the sound of yellow?"
If I was to show the ways of love the only thing I could answer this day is: Suspension.
It is suspension (definition=suspense: The state or quality of being undecided or doubtful. Anxiety or apprehension resulting from an undecided, uncertain or mysterious situation).
It is very, very yellow and very bareboned. I can't tell where the horizon should cut through. I took refuge under a fat yellow cumulus. It's suspended ... and if it moves an inch — I move an inch. and if it moves half an inch — I move half an inch. It's very, very yellow here.
Can you feel the sound?
Can you touch the sound?
Do you know the sound of yellow?
It's suspended. It's slick. It's hot - very hot - very
I saw an insect crawl under my foot. I'm suspended too. I don't like insects crawling under my foot. This means discomfort.
I wish north would show its face and get motion into cumulus. This suspension is heavy on the breathing, and my body is so big and needs so much air. Yellow suspension. I got to go got to run.
I will bury this letter deep into cumulus for when motion comes and will turn the colors around. When it turns cumulus into blue, it will drop on you. This blue on you always blows my breath away ... here in suspension. It's very, very yellow here, hear - do you know the sound of yellow? Hello? hear — do you know the sound of yellow? Hello? hear — do you know the sound of yellow? Hello?
Yours forever
your sunset/sunrise
4ever yours
yours 4ever yours

Custom software for PC
Commissioned by the Alternative Museum
Software programmed by Luiz Perez
Roam 2.0 was an infinitely generative 3d terrain software. Navigation had two modes: Automatic and user controlled. The intention was to create a 3D game environment for the meditative experience of roaming.
Although the software is now defunct, a series of screenshots of the terrain mapped with different images remain viewable.

Net art and installation
Collaboration with bnode architects
Created during a residency at Eyebeam, the project speculates on a super-toy called the mRB, modeled after the moodRingBaby mentioned in the World of Awe narrative.
The project was installed at the exhibition Beta Launch at Eyebeam.

Website and email protocols
Email protocol used take the Love Letters from the World of Awe: A Traveler's Journal Chapter 1: Forever and disseminate them, (mostly) to subscribers.

Second version of Love Letters from a World of Awe website, formerly hosted on RSUB Blue Dot, the Razorfish experimental culture division.

The first edition of the World of Awe website. The piece integrates paintings from that period and East Village stories. One of the earliest net artworks, this piece was an experiment on every level—creative, formal, and conceptual—that attempted to explore both the Internet and an Internet art work.

Hand-coded net art work includes a recto and a verso. The verso is the source code. Accessed by Right-click or option-click > select 'source code.' Kisses kisses coming soon.
This work was created for the one-person exhibition at bitforms gallery in May 2016 and updated in 2017. The painting was created in 1996.
Forever is the first chapter of World of Awe: A Traveler's Journal. It includes love letters and diary entries, descriptions of navigation tools and treasure hunting equipment. The interface is based by early Mac graphical user interface design and Windows 3.1. Menu standards are appropriated to serves as entry points to this diaristic and epistolary narrative.
Deeply yearning, an anonymous protagonist searches for a lost treasure in a parallel world. The Traveler's Journal employs a nostalgic, solitary voice to meditate on our obsession with digital technology.
Forever was included in the 2002 Whitney Biennial and was shown on a laptop.
The second chapter of World of Awe: A Traveler's Journal, Destruction & Mending was commissioned and exhibited at the San Francisco Museum of Modern Art. The chapter employs a bomb graphic icon and the photographic pearl to carry the theme of destruction and mending.
Object of Desire is a departure from the first two chapters of World of Awe: A Traveler's Journal. Made up of 15 scenes, animated in 3D and executed in Flash, the narrative is presented in three languages: English, Hebrew, and Arabic (appearance for French, Italian, and Spanish). The work marks the burgeoning interest in the Internet as an endless polyglot space.
Object of Desire explores early literary themes and motifs born in the Middle East and Mediterranean cultures that are still vibrant in contemporary culture. Biblical themes and legends receive a new treatment that take into consideration the digital advancement, in the same nostalgic and romantic voice identified with the traveler.
Funded by the Rockefeller Media grant and the MFA program at RPI, Object of Desire was exhibited among other places at The Jewish Museum in New York and EMST Museum in Athens.
Reclaimed wood, Atari joystick, button, laptop, projector, and LCD screen.
Collection of the EMST museum in Athens, Greece
Interactive installation of Chapter 3, Object of Desire. The ark chair is based on an image of a Noah's ark toy from the 1895 Montgomery Ward & Co. Catalogue and Buyer's Guide. To navigate the website, one uses an original Atari joystick built into the left arm and a red button built into the right.
The work was created for the one-person Media Center exhibition at the Jewish Museum, 2007.
Website with Flash and audio
Portal is a net dance created in collaboration with dance filmmaker Evan Siebens and musician Yoav Gal. Flash programming Meeyoung Kim. The work was commissioned by in 2001 and was featured in a New York Times article in 2004, Art; A Video Game with Awe as Its Quest by Elizabeth Bard.
Jo-Ann Green, wrote: "We enter the dance via screens within screens, small pixels within large pixels, rendered pixels. This is a, the spatial and theatrical dimensions of which are very much about surface. We activate the dance square by square. The dance proceeds at the user's pace as we nudge the traveler along. Rather than being transported by the dance, we navigate the dancer's travels for her but there's only so much control we have in this predestined journey, which is hers alone. The traveler is alien to the Manhattan street. While the music's overall impact is hard and discordant—reflecting the city environment—she exists, perhaps, only in our minds as no one appears to notice her, and traffic does not stop for her. She's submerged in a world of make believe, playfully whipping pistols from her imaginary holsters. Each scene within the larger picture is a dance that culminates in a repetitive gesture, machine-like, robotic. We help the traveler negotiate the fence, and launch her into the in-between with a drag and a click.
"There, the traveler is contained and vulnerable but flatness has given way to virtuality. Despite her confinement, we're comforted by her ability to breathe. The music is vocal as if here, though still alone, she no longer feels entirely alien. Still she's caged and unaware of our presence. Her nakedness suggests rebirth: where will she begin? We manipulate her this way and that: as the camera zooms in on her, she becomes progressively fragmented. As she's breaking apart, she suddenly confronts us. The traveler looks right at us and touches our hand—it is this sensory moment that catapults her into the next world.
"The traveler is released into a vast desert where, again, she is alone. Once again the vocal music underlines her aloneness, its multiple voices the same voice. She trudges through the heavy sand, going nowhere. Her mirrored image is reminiscent of the corps de ballet: undifferentiated, regimented, and conformed. She becomes an army of reflections that cannot provide solace. She repeats her solitary dance. Her movements ripple through dunes and sky."
Created for's Splash Page series in 2001, Extreme Beauty is a short love poem from World of Awe: A Traveler's Journal.
I found the key to extreme beauty,
but not the keyhole.
I tried it in all the holes in my body
none seemed to fit.
Your forever
Your sunset/sunrise forever yours
Yours forever
This short love letter poem appears in many works and media throughout the years.
The piece was collected by Doron Golan for the Computer Fine Arts Collection archived by the Rose Goldsen Archive of New Media Arts at the Cornell University Library.
View here
As visitors navigate World of Awe: A Traveler's Journal, they leave behind tracking data including IP address, pages visited, and time of download requests. The Library of Maps is a collection of over 1500 data maps of visitors' movements through the net art narrative, created by gathering their movements through the journal then randomly superimposing the data over 3d images of the World of Awe landscape, called Sunset/Sunrise.
The mapping server-side software was written by Alex Galloway.
Website with Flash and audio
A second splash page comissioned by, this piece is a single page work that articulates the feeling of yearning.
Website and Flash plugin
Commissioned for Drunken Boat, an online arts journal edited by Ravi Shankar.
Love letter "Do you know the sound of yellow?"
HTML files, jpgs and gifs on floppies
Mac, Netscape 3.0 + RealAudio player
PC native web browser
+ + +
Traveller's log 45/3
"Do you know the sound of yellow?"
If I was to show the ways of love the only thing I could answer this day is: Suspension.
It is suspension (definition=suspense: The state or quality of being undecided or doubtful. Anxiety or apprehension resulting from an undecided, uncertain or mysterious situation).
It is very, very yellow and very bareboned. I can't tell where the horizon should cut through. I took refuge under a fat yellow cumulus. It's suspended ... and if it moves an inch — I move an inch. and if it moves half an inch — I move half an inch. It's very, very yellow here.
Can you feel the sound?
Can you touch the sound?
Do you know the sound of yellow?
It's suspended. It's slick. It's hot - very hot - very
I saw an insect crawl under my foot. I'm suspended too. I don't like insects crawling under my foot. This means discomfort.
I wish north would show its face and get motion into cumulus. This suspension is heavy on the breathing, and my body is so big and needs so much air. Yellow suspension. I got to go got to run.
I will bury this letter deep into cumulus for when motion comes and will turn the colors around. When it turns cumulus into blue, it will drop on you. This blue on you always blows my breath away ... here in suspension. It's very, very yellow here, hear - do you know the sound of yellow? Hello? hear — do you know the sound of yellow? Hello? hear — do you know the sound of yellow? Hello?
Yours forever
your sunset/sunrise
4ever yours
yours 4ever yours
Custom software for PC
Commissioned by the Alternative Museum
Software programmed by Luiz Perez
Roam 2.0 was an infinitely generative 3d terrain software. Navigation had two modes: Automatic and user controlled. The intention was to create a 3D game environment for the meditative experience of roaming.
Although the software is now defunct, a series of screenshots of the terrain mapped with different images remain viewable.
Net art and installation
Collaboration with bnode architects
Created during a residency at Eyebeam, the project speculates on a super-toy called the mRB, modeled after the moodRingBaby mentioned in the World of Awe narrative.
The project was installed at the exhibition Beta Launch at Eyebeam.
Website and email protocols
Email protocol used take the Love Letters from the World of Awe: A Traveler's Journal Chapter 1: Forever and disseminate them, (mostly) to subscribers.
Second version of Love Letters from a World of Awe website, formerly hosted on RSUB Blue Dot, the Razorfish experimental culture division.
The first edition of the World of Awe website. The piece integrates paintings from that period and East Village stories. One of the earliest net artworks, this piece was an experiment on every level—creative, formal, and conceptual—that attempted to explore both the Internet and an Internet art work.